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  • One Church Hartsville - 5 Big Things You Should Know

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    September 04, 2024


    Sunday Morning Couples Group
    Starts This Sunday
    9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
    In the Conference Room @ The YMCA 

    Couples (married or dating) need friends, encouragement, and the wisdom we can gain from each other's stories. If you are looking for a group that is convenient and will help you grow, this is for you!
    There is no sign up!  Just show up Sunday Morning!  If you need help finding the conference room, ask any volunteer in the lobby and they will get you there!

    Email Us Today for More Information
    "What Can't We Do!?"
    Let's imagine what we could do if we invested the gifts God has given us that matter most into the things that matter the most!

    Read Ahead: Matthew 6:19
    Listen to this Sunday's Worship Songs Here!

    Watch previous sermons on our YouTube Channel Below!
    Follow our YouTube Channel Here!
    At The Connect Building This Fall:

    September 5 - One Church Young Adults (OCYA) @ 6:30 PM
    September 9 - Women's Group @ 6:00 PM
    September 10 - Men's Group @ 7:00 PM
    Email Us Today for More Info!
    Want to get Healthy/Healthier Financially?

    Sunday Morning Class
    Starting September 22nd
    10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
    7 Weeks (September 22nd - November 7th)
    Cost: $80 (church will reimburse if you attend all 7 classes - this class would cost close to $200 if done individually!)
    Email for more information
    Looking for a Good Excuse to Invite Your Friends to Join Us on Sunday Morning? 
    Back to Church Sunday is September 15th 

    School has started back, Labor Day is in the rear-view mirror, and people are looking to settle into routines that will make their lives better. Now is the perfect time to invite your friends and family to church!
    One Church This Week

    Wednesday, September 4
    Student Group
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at The Connect Building (doors open at 6:45)

    Thursday, September 5
    6:30 PM - 7:30 PM at The Connect Building

    Sunday, September 8

    OC Kids Service
    OC Kids are collecting Items for Trent Hill Center!  Ask An OC Kids Volunteer for More Information!
    9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at The YMCA
    This week's lesson is on I Thessalonians 5:11
    Big Idea: "God Wants Me to Be A Good Friend!"

    Worship Service
    "The Power of WE"
    9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at The YMCA
    Follow us on YouTube to see our Previous Sermons!
    Follow us on Spotify to hear what we are listening to!

    Couples Group
    9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
    The Conference Room at The YMCA

    Monday, September 9
    Women's Group
    6:00 PM at The Connect Building

    Tuesday, September 10
    Men's Group
    7:00 PM at The Connect Building

    Wednesday, September 11
    Prayer Group
    12:00 Noon at The Connect Building

    Student Group 
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at The Connect Building

    Upcoming at OC:
    September 14 - Men's Breakfast
    September 15 - Back to Church Sunday
    September 15 - Survivor's Group
    September 17 - S.T.A.R.S. Luncheon
    September 20 - Feed the Football Team
    September 22 - Financial Peace U Begins
    October 6 - OC 101

    Want to join one of our Supper Clubs or Small Groups?
    Email us here and we will get you connected to a perfect fit!
    Click the image above to check out everything that is going on at OC with our Monthly Calendar!
    Our Service Team is always willing to give a helping hand with projects around the house and the town!  Have something you need help with?
    Let them know by clicking the image above!
    We have a place for you! Email us today by clicking the image above, and we will help you find the perfect fit!!
    Feel Free to Share this email with your friends and family by clicking below!
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    Copyright © 2021 One Church Hartsville, All rights reserved.

    Office is located at:
    122 W. Carolina Ave - Hartsville
    Office Hours:
    Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
    Reach us by Phone:
    Our email address is:
    Jimmy Beck
    onechurchhartsville@gmail.com, (843) 307-3483